Saturday, August 20, 2005

Children Say the Cutest Things

I was at a public event today that the Guard was supporting, just standing there, in uniform, talking to an old NCO friend of mine. I hadn't seen him in a while since he had been in Afghanistan. This young couple walked by with the cutest little girl, about 3 or 4 years of age. They stopped, the mother pointed at us, leaned down to the girl and told her "Thank them for making us safe". The child took a few hesitant steps towards us, looked up at us kind of shyly and repeated her moms words, "Thank you for making us safe".

I know she was just the messenger, but they couldn't have picked a sweeter messenger. Thank you.

A little while later a retired Brigadier General shook my hand and gave me a coin, which was nice, but I will take the thanks of a little girl and her mom over that any day.