Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Wal*Mart is the devil

My favorite left wing pseudo-academic columnist for the Seattle Times, Floyd McKay, is back. This time with another denunciation of that paragon of evil, Wal*Mart. Among other things Floyd brings us the stunning revelations (gasp) that established businesses do not like new competition, and labor intensive businesses like to keep their labor costs down (this could change economics as we kn0w it). The most hilarious part though, is the utter cluelessness of his conclusions.

Many of those land-use and zoning rules were established at a time when Oregon led the nation in farsighted environmental planning. With the state reeling from rollbacks in education finance, unemployment and attacks on land-use laws, it is good to be able to add a recommendation to those who wonder how to fight a Wal-Mart in their neighborhood.

In addition to "organize," perhaps I should be adding, "Oregonize."

Yeah, their environmental planning was so "farsighted" that it led to a "state reeling from rollbacks in education finance, unemployment and attacks on land-use laws". Let's keep it up!