Thursday, June 12, 2008

Is This a Good Strategy?

Let's see, McCain grandfather was a 4 star admiral, his dad was a 4 star admiral, he was a captain who spent 5 1/2 years as a POW, one of his sons was a naval aviator, one of his sons is at the Naval Academy, and another son is a Marine Lance Corporal who just got back from Iraq. So let's attack him for being out of touch with military families, yeah, that's the ticket. As my cousin Bill Bennett says:

Second, do the Democrats really want to try to lecture family McCain on how they should feel about returning home and being in the battlefield? The entire McCain bloodline, up and down the generations, is defined by being in the battlefield and away from home. Do they really want to tell a man who turned down early release and spent five and a half years in a POW camp that he is insensitive to the desires of returning home? Do they really want to tell a man whose father and grandfather are military heroes that the most important thing is returning home? Do they really want to tell a man whose own son has signed up and fought in Iraq about the importance of coming back home?