Tuesday, November 13, 2007

All Hail President Johnson

Christopher Story continues to get even more bizarre with his Wanta nutiness. Who knew a one star general could just take over like that...

THE PROVOST MARSHAL’S TRUMP CARDWhat trump card does Brigadier general Rodney L Johnson, Commanding General United States Army Criminal Investigation Command, have up his sleeve? It can be speculated that he may be ready, and may well have threatened, to impose Martial Law, since he, not George W. Bush Jr., is Commander-in-Chief, even though the criminal President remains in denial concerning this reality. Under Martial Law, the Provost Marshal would be empowered to take into custody anyone who stood in his way, and could control all media outlets through censorship – so that his operations could proceed without the media running along behind getting all confused and destabilising the financial markets in the process. He could presumably close the stock exchange and freeze all suspect bank accounts without recourse.